The Fundamental Role of Mothers in Children’s Education

A mother is…

…the manager of the household. At all times, she has an instinctive ability to know what’s happening under her roof.


…a chef. From pancakes for breakfast to lasagna for dinner, she’s often the one behind these delicious meals.


…a nurse. She’s usually at the top of the emergency contact list and the one to nurse you back to health in the days to follow.


…the counsellor. When you’ve got a difficult decision to make, she’s usually the one you seek advice from before any other.


… a nurturer. She’s the first person to identify your strengths and abilities and will encourage you to develop them and thrive.


…a teacher. Formal education aside, she’s probably your greatest source of learning, especially the fundamental skills needed to succeed in life.


For centuries, mothers have worn many hats at a time. They still do today. You could say that today mothers wear more hats than they ever have before.

There is no single type of mother. Some are stay-at-home mums; others go to work each day. Some are single mums; others co-parent with husbands. Some are business owners; others are building their careers. Though mothers find themselves in different sets of family and life circumstances, they all have one thing in common – playing a crucial role in the lives of their children.

With Mother’s Day approaching in a few days, Global Education Academy would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate the role of the mother in her children’s lives.


Empowering education

  Mothers have an uncanny ability to keep their finger on the pulse of all areas of their children’s lives, some call it “a mother’s intuition”, and education is no exception.

Education is not only limited to what a child learns in the classroom at school. Education is a lifelong learning journey that begins at home.

“Education commences at the mother’s knee, and every word spoken within hearsay of little children tends toward the formation of character.”
– Hosea Ballou



At Global Education Academy, we believe that every child has untapped potential waiting to be unlocked. Whilst we exist to help students unlock that potential through educational support, for many students, we’ve seen their mothers as the key person guiding them through the learning journey.

Mothers advocate for education

  Here are some comments directly from mothers of GEA students about what their children’s education means to them:

“My children’s education is important to me because I want them to grow up with a critical and enquiring mind. I know the value of reading and learning in my life and want them to have access to the same breadth of experience. Quality education for my children means they have a future that is more secure and that is one thing I can do in an uncertain world to help them in life.”
– Sharon Mcilwee

“Education provides my children the opportunity to pursue any career they want!”
 - Marcelle Lok

“I believe education is the most power tool you can provide a child. It will set them up to become compassionate and understanding adults. It also provides them with the opportunity to explore their passions and choose a fulfilling career. Education opens doors.”
– Hanady Graham

“The education of our children is important because it opens the door to explore and understand our wonderful world in detail. How and why things are and how to ethically respond to issues and dilemmas. The ability to think critically and responsibly is the greatest legacy we give our children as stewards of our planet and influencers of future generations.”
– Penny Papadopoulos

Providing a good education to a child is like providing them wings to fly high.”
– Monika Rajal

“I wanted Nathan to live a rich and fulfilling life, and education – as well as unconditional love – is the best gift I can ever give him.”
– Chris Lei Tang

The teachable moments, helping with homework, conversations with teachers, motivational speeches after poor performance and celebrations of high performance – each contribute to shaping your child’s education and future.

If you are reading this and you are a mother, we applaud you. For all the unseen moments that passed by without recognition or appreciation. For all the times you sacrificed to put your child and your family’s needs first. This Mother’s Day, we celebrate you. Visit our Website
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