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Our English courses at GEA have been specifically written using the outcomes and indicators from the Australian Curriculum for each stage of students’ learning. The course booklets include these outcomes statements, together with their appropriate codes from each syllabus document.
Our English courses are offered at both primary and secondary levels. In the primary sector there are 6 levels:
All levels 1 to 9 are offered on small group basis (average 5 students in a group). All Year 10 to Year 12 sessions are offered on individual basis. GEA may also recommend any level to be delivered on individual basis based on assessment outcomes.
This is an early learning program which provides young children with the foundation skills to be competent and confident in their learning at school. It provides the base-line skills in reading, writing, spelling and grammar. These elements are integrated into a combined literacy session, including:
This course builds on the skills students are developing at school at the end of Early Stage 1. As with the Level 1 program, the sessions are integrated into a combined literacy session including focused units of work in the following key learning areas:
This course also targets all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 3.
This course engages children in a wide range of stories and factual texts that build their understanding of the purposes of reading for meaning and enjoyment. Each unit contains specific tasks that teach the students how to construct their own texts when answering questions, as well as to write their own narratives, reports and recounts.
A key focus for Level 3 is the transition to reading and writing using more impersonal tense. Students are explicitly taught how to construct texts in first, second and third person, how to change verbs in singular and plural forms, and how to apply their knowledge of grammatical constructs to enhance their writing.
Each lesson unit contains an even mix of activities that teach oral and silent reading skills, comprehension skills, spelling strategies and writing. The course provides students with a solid foundation on which to build their skills, knowledge and confidence. It also includes all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 3.
This course is for students in Stage 2. It integrates all areas of English into a consolidation course that inspires students to develop a love of learning when reading and writing for study and pleasure. At this level students have the capacity to engage in reading and writing a range of factual and narrative texts, with knowledge of their structure, purpose and language features. The course also targets all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 5.
In comprehending texts, students are taught how to answer comprehension questions at both the literal and inferential levels of comprehension. When spelling words, students are explicitly taught a wide range of spelling strategies that encourage them to listen to the sounds that letters and syllables make, as well as apply visual discrimination techniques.
A key focus of this course is the application of grammar in writing different written constructs. In Stage 2 students are required to have good understandings of parts of speech, syntax, language forms and language features for both reading and writing purposes. This course ensures mastery of these key elements and provides the students with a springboard for future learning.
This course focuses on providing students with opportunities to read, as well as create, a wide variety of texts for different purposes, and to enjoy developing their English skills within the small group environment. It also covers all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 5.
A key focus for Level 5 is the transition to reading more factually-based texts that utilize more complex vocabulary, and to identify facts presented in texts that are not specifically stated. The students are specifically taught how to read for meaning, build their vocabulary knowledge and how to spell complex word forms using a range of spelling strategies. When constructing their own texts, students are taught the differences of purpose, structure and language features of each of the text types they are required to create at school.
At this level there is also a strong focus on developing comprehension skills at all levels of factual, inferential and creative understandings, which provides students with the competencies needed for the rigours of advanced literacy, literature and language learning as they move into the latter part of Stage 3 and ultimately to high school.
This course opens the door to advanced learning in all areas of English. It provides extension opportunities for capable students to explore the realms of more sophisticated and complex vocabulary, as well as offer the students essential practice in all of the targeted literacy skills that will equip them well in high school. It also targets all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 7.
A key focus for Level 6 is the provision of a wide range of quality literature-based texts that promote greater appreciation of what quality literature is, and encourages the students to delve deeper into their own genres of preference when reading and creating texts for leisure and study.
This course will also include a highly specialised instructional unit on applying comprehension skills in a range of different formats for class purposes as well as internal and external assessment purposes.
This course supports students as they move into the domains of high school curriculum. The demands of literacy across all subject areas is one of the reasons many students feel unable to cope with the changing methods of classroom delivery, complex teacher language and the expected standard of all written assignment work.
This course specifically provides students with the knowledge and skills to approach all tasks with confidence and competence and to engage in all key learning areas in ways that teach them the essence of what high school literacy and literature is all about.
Since the implementation of the Australian Curriculum there is now a stronger focus on students continuing to build their core basic skills in understanding grammar at a higher order level in order to construct quality pieces of text that demonstrate their ability to enhance writing through the application of language forms and features. This has been a neglected area of high school English for many years, but is now seen by the NSW Board of Studies as crucial in ensuring students become proficient users of English in both written and oral forms.
In ascertaining the skills that high school students demonstrate on entering Year 7, all students now across Australia sit NAPLAN at the beginning of Term 2. The Level 7 (Year 7) program includes a vital segment each session, during Term 1, on developing the primary skills required to perform well in this assessment program. Students are explicitly trained in all of the comprehension and grammar techniques as well as in the use of the Criterion Marking Method for assessing their writing tasks.
Another key facet of the Australian Curriculum for Stage 4 is the introduction of more media-based and visual texts. This course in Level 7 will now cover many key aspects of the syllabus outcomes in this area to ensure students are fully conversant with recognising and analysing a range of techniques for studying visual texts, and in using multi-modalities in their own creation of visual and media-based texts. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 7.
This course in essence contains the same fundamental elements of the Level 7 course, but explores beyond this to encourage students to develop more independent proficiency when interpreting and completing assignment work, and in their own study habits in English. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 9.
One of the key focal aspects, contained in each term’s program, is the study of how technology is impacting on change in the way students engage in literacy, language and literature tasks at school, and also how the devices, tools and resources are shaping how students learn at school.
Students undertaking this course in will be well-prepared and be provided with the tools, skills and strategies to progress to Stage 5 with knowledge, confidence and high levels of self-esteem. Above all, it is hoped they will develop a life-long love of learning, and a desire to delve deeper into the realms of superlative literature.
In Year 9 students are given early exposure to the literature and critical thinking required of them in later years, ensuring their learning contributes to their familiarity and confidence when they study English at HSC level. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 9.
This course builds on the key foundation skills developed during Stage 4, providing opportunities for students to study specific examples of quality literature in which they can make comparisons to issues prevalent in everyday life today. This critical task links the purpose of studying famous literary artists, such as Dickens and Shakespeare, as well as many of their renowned works in poetic and prose form, in a way that engages them in meaningful literature studies.
One of the focus aspects of this specific English course is the provision of targeted instructional units of work that explicitly teach students to analyse tasks, use critical analysis of tasks and to interpret more complex literary language, concepts and text formats. Many students at this stage in their learning struggle with the basic concepts of interpreting assignment work their teachers expect them to complete as part of home study. This course supports students in this process, providing them with modelled examples and many practical applications to build confidence and competence when completing any given assessment or assignment task.
Students undertaking this course will gain considerable insight into the standards of English skills expected at the completion of the early part of Stage 5, to then promote in them a desire to achieve their highest degree of academic potential as they move into Year 10. It is also hoped that the students will develop a love of literature, and strive to gain higher order analytical and appreciation skills when engaging in a range of literature texts, in order to extend their knowledge and enjoyment of these quality literature works of art.
Maths tutoring is offered for primary and high school level. In Mathematics, our teachers minimise the cognitive load involved in teaching the concepts to improve learning and make it more approachable to students. Mathematics at GEA is all about conceptual understanding and problem solving. We keep up with the latest research in the field to continuously improve our teaching. Problem Solving has a significant focus at GEA. We use our own developed techniques based on Cognitive Load Theory and the latest research in Mathematics and cognition.
Our Mathematics courses have been specifically written incorporate the outcomes and indicators from the Australian Curriculum for each stage of students’ learning.
In the primary sector there are 6 levels:
All levels 1 to 9 are offered on small group basis (average 5 students in a group). All Year 10 to Year 12 sessions are offered on individual basis. GEA can also arrange any level to be delivered on individual basis.
Combined literacy and numeracy offered in a 1.5hour block per week.
This is an early learning program which provides young children with the foundation skills to be competent and confident in their learning at school. It is an integrated course combining the following elements:
Offered in a 2-hour block per week
This course builds on the skills students are developing at school at the end of Stage 1. This program combines the following elements and has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 3.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course is the Building Blocks of Numeracy (Stage 2). It has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 3.
At this level the foundation of mathematical knowledge and skills are laid. In addition to the main concepts and areas of maths, we introduce students to the problem solving analytical skills. Students are introduced to the unique strategy we use for problem solving. This level incorporates the following elements
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course is for students in Stage 2 extension and has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 5.
This level reinforces and strengthens the foundation of the primary curriculum outcomes. At this level students practice more techniques and are equipped with more analytical skills to be problem solvers and have solid understanding of the mathematical concepts.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course is mainly for Year 5 students and advanced Year 4 students.
At this stage students are skilled to handle more complex concepts. They also get exposure to higher level of thinking skills. For students in Term 1 Year 5, this course services as an introductory course for the Selective School Program that starts in Term 2 Year 5. It has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 5.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course opens the door to advanced learning in all areas of mathematics. It provides extension opportunities for capable students to explore more complex concepts in mathematics and more advanced problem solving skills. This course is designed for Year 6 students. It equips them very well for the demand of high school. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 7.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course supports students as they move into the domains of high school curriculum. The year 7 curriculum is highly demanding and the transition from year 6 to year 7 curriculum is quite challenging. Usually students in year 7 experience unexpected assumed knowledge and skills. The year 7 program supports students and take them through the concepts and the skills they need to possess with ease and understanding. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 7.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
This course in essence contains the same fundamental elements of the year 8, yet explores beyond this to encourage students to develop more independent proficiency to become more skilful as problem solvers. The outcomes set for each of these elements also link to the Australian Curriculum. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 9.
Offered in a 2-hour block per week.
Our Year 9 course focuses on the conceptual understanding of all Mathematics areas to ensure that students are fully confident in their mathematics ability. The year 9 course is written to include all the syllabus outcomes. Students gets a vast exposure to all the concepts and techniques based on their level. They are also empowered by analytical skills and problem solving strategies. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 9.
Our course consolidates students’ knowledge and gives them a head start for Year 10.