Confidence is a large part of the learning journey, and a good Maths Tutor who has a deep understanding of subject matter can help build the students understanding to achieve this.
As a research-based learning centre, Global Education Academy children are taught to understand, think and learn. We teach in small groups (average 5 students per group) and follow our 5C methodology. Students’ confidence is boosted, their engagement is expressed in and outside the classroom and most importantly, their passion for learning is ignited.
If you have searched ‘Maths Tutor Sydney’ then look no further. At Global Education Academy we offer maths tutors and English tutors near you in two locations in Sydney (Kogarah and Turramurra) in the two main core subjects, Maths tutoring and English tutoring, with specialised tutoring for the selective placement test, scholarship placement tests and also the opportunity class (OC) Placement test.
Maths Tutoring at GEA is all about conceptual understanding. It is not about the number of questions your child will go through, but it is about if they understand the concepts or not.
GEA follows a strict Maths Tutoring methodology with our curriculum and strategy based on current research into cognition. The curriculum follows our Five-C-Methodology and Cognitive Load Theory, the lead theory into explicit learning.
The GEA Maths Tutors explain each concept at a deeper level and make sure your child understands it thoroughly. Following this, strategies are explained and demonstrated and linked to the concept tutored so your child can solve the questions with understanding.
Making sure students understand the question; the information given, the key words, and what the question is asking.
Students are taught how to plan for the solution.
Usually, the planning part is the most difficult for students. They sometimes just want to give an answer. Planning is an important skill that if it is learned at an early age, saves a lot of tutoring and a lot of struggles in the future.
Students solve the question simply by executing the plan. They will be directed by the tutors on ways to execute with minimal mistakes.
After each question, students reflect on the question solved and on what they have learned from it. This is very important as it directs some of the cognitive load in the brain towards the vital process of building schemas.
Schemas are mental structure that can be used in the future to solve similar problems. Our tutors are trained on how to facilitate this step.
Our Maths Tutoring curriculum is developed based on cognitive load theory and aligned with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and beyond. Our Maths tutoring courses have been specifically written to incorporate the outcomes and indicators from the Australian Curriculum for each stage of students’ learning.
The Maths Tutoring course allows the student who is struggling to get to grips with the work, thus building their confidence and setting them up for a solid foundation which is crucial for the rest of their future Maths classes.
The year 7 maths tutoring is offered in a 2-hour maths tutoring block per week. This maths tutoring course supports students as they move into the domains of high school curriculum. The year 7 maths curriculum is highly demanding and the transition from year 6 to year 7 curriculum is quite challenging.
Usually, students in Year 7 experience unexpected, assumed knowledge and skills. The Year 7 maths tutoring course supports students and take them through the concepts and the skills they need to possess with ease and understanding. It also has all the components that are tested in NAPLAN Year 7.
The Year 7 maths tutoring course includes:
Our Maths tutoring caters for students who want to get ahead of the game and be at the top of the class, as well as the ones who seek to be more confident in their learning environment. Our program will benefit parents who want their child to learn how to think and how to problem solve, but also to understand. This is core to our teaching methodology which all our experienced Maths Tutors and English Tutors live and breathe.
Education is a lifelong journey; our proven teaching methodology can put your child on the pathway to better prepare for their future. Specialising in OC Tests, Selective Tests or gifted classes, contact GEA today! Speak to our Maths and English Tutors to unlock your child’s future potential!
Lexie’s Story From hating Maths to loving it!
When Lexie started with GEA she hated maths as she was struggling with it. She had lost her confidence and was disengaged in the class. Her mum sought our expertise to help her change direction. In the first two weeks of her maths tutoring Lexie started realising that there are methods to help her and making mistakes was okay. She was able to understand a few concepts and hence she could solve some questions. Within a few weeks, she overcame the hurdle- I hate maths, and started gaining some confidence and believed in herself. She now enjoys maths and sees maths problems as a fun challenge and not something scary.
Lexie’s mother, Trisha, told us: “Lexie said to me the other day before we went to tutoring that she was excited about going, which she never would have said prior to attending Global Education Academy. She also told me about a maths test that she completed with all the answers correct! This is a massive achievement for her, one that would never have happened before attending maths tutoring at Global Education Academy.”