Live online English tutoring at Global Education Academy is delivered using a scientific approach. Following our research and methodology, we have developed a structured curriculum that includes all the components of the English language.
Our English tutoring methodology, curriculum and strategies are developed based on current research into education and cognition and follows Cognitive Load Theory, the leading theory into explicit learning. English tutoring includes all the pillars of the language:
- Reading – strengthen students’ fluency and accuracy and consequently their confidence
- Reading comprehension – different levels and different text types
- Spelling – visual and auditory to activate the visual and the auditor memory in the brain.
- Vocabulary – students learn 10-20 new words in every tutoring session
- Grammar – all parts of speech
- Syntax – types of sentences… etc
- Punctuations
- Writing – our English tutors focus on how to plan, write and edit in all genres.
Our English tutoring Curriculum Sydney
Learning English requires confidence and encouragement. Our English Tutors are highly experienced and together with our teaching methodology provide GEA students with pleasant and memorable learning experience.
Our English Tutoring curriculum is developed based on cognitive load theory and aligned with the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) and beyond. Specifically written to incorporate outcomes and indicators our English Tutoring courses cater to each stage of a student’s learning.