Home Schooling Uncovered an Ugly Truth

by GEA | 16th June 2020 |

When restrictions were in place and children were doing school from home, many parents were faced with the task of being ‘teacher’ and helping their child navigate this new style of learning. Not only did this present an obvious difficulty, as many parents were juggling working from home as well, but it uncovered an ugly truth. Parents were realising that where they thought their child was at, academically, is actually far from what they were witnessing while teaching them at home. This could be either way.

This misalignment between what parents witnessed and what schools’ reports are conveying, unfortunately, paints a picture of mistrust.  Particularly mistrusting school reports. School reports do not reflect the true ability of the child. Saying a student is ‘sound’ does not give sufficient feedback as to the reality of the child’s academic ability. Ultimately, parents have been left in the dark.

Some students have reports that does not do them justice, a parents-gut-feeling that was only strengthened during the home schooling period whilst others were raising eyebrows thinking why is my child getting a C and he/she cannot form a proper sentence.

Parents, rightly, taking control of their children’s education is definitely a phenomenon that is gaining momentum now more than before.

It is vital that you know exactly where your child stands in the core subjects of maths and English. This is the only way to truly help them understand and play to their strengths as well as work on their weaknesses. It also allows you to set realistic educational goals.

To gain this clarity, the best option is to have a diagnostic assessment done that is independent of the school.  A diagnostic assessment is the first step to unlocking your child’s untapped potential. It will enable you to identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses in their learning and gauge the misalignment between their true ability and their performance at school.

Our 1.5-hour diagnostic assessment followed by a 30-minute feedback session will tell you more than the school could in a whole year. That is a guarantee.

A Global Education Diagnostic Assessment will:

  • Uncover the areas of proficiency and measure any misconceptions
  • Highlight the reasons behind any deficits
  • Reveal the untapped potential of a student and
  • Measure where the child is at

Global Education Academy Diagnostic assessments are:

  • Conducted in our Kogarah and Turramurra campus face-to-face
  • Carefully developed by our founder Dr Majeda Awawdeh
  • Based on your child’s current year level at school
  • Performed in-house by our highly qualified and experienced teachers
  • Designed to give you clarity and an expert, in-depth insight.

Have any questions? Give us a call on 1300 001 432

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